Career Clarity - Next intake Autumn 2020
6 weeks to career clarity with Natalie
Are you feeling fulfilled in your professional life?
The career clarity programme is my tried and tested formula which I’ve delivered to over 50 women on a 1 to 1 basis – but now entirely online!
I wanted to find a way to support women who are looking for a catalyst to make a change in their professional lives. Maybe you:
Feel like you are not earning at your full potential
Feel unfulfilled and lacking direction
Not acting like your best-self at work – either bored or burnt-out
Know deep down that there is something else you should be doing
For too long have ignored these feelings but now you want to make a change
Ultimately your work isn’t working for you – perhaps the lockdown has caused this providing an opportunity to look at life balance or recognising that virtual working is something you want longer term or indeed this is something that you have been struggling with for some time
So many of my 1 to 1 clients have concluded that change needs to start now, whether that’s finding a role that works better with their life goals, identifying a new path or direction for them, returning to the workplace or finally biting the bullet and launching a business.
There are many reasons why you might be here right now. It’s great opportunity with a summer at home for many of us to start looking at what you want and how you might get it.
If you want to finally get that clarity on your professional life and move forward with purpose and confidence, this six week long group career coaching programme will give you accountability, community and confidence to take that step.
My whole business has been founded to support women to feel empowered, confidence and resilient in their professional lives and this programme is a way to deliver this in a more affordable way than 121 coaching. This online programme is based on my Elevate Coaching model which I deliver to my individual 121 clients – it’s a tried, tested and successful formula.
What you’ll get by joining this programme and working through the exercises:
Career clarity – understanding what you want and what’s truly important to you in relation to your professional life
Confidence boost – we’ll uncover your strengths and deal with any limiting beliefs in relation to your career so you’ll emerge more confident with strategies to deal with times of uncertainty
Greater boundaries – we’ll look at what’s important to you, how to prioritise your needs and how to enforce them
Sense of purpose – you’ll have a greater sense of direction, knowing that you are working towards your “why”
Deeper levels of resilience – we’ll focus on practical tips to improve your resilience, and create an action plan focused on building your skills
Greater direction – you’ll have the motivation to take action and see progress towards your goals in six weeks
Community, accountability and support – through the live group coaching sessions and our private Facebook group you’ll experience a supportive set of like-minded women. However, it is also possible to self-study this material and you’ll receive enough prompts and guidance to work on this alone should you wish to.
In six short, weeks you’ll gain clarity, feel empowered and have greater levels of resilience in your professional life. I believe that you can have, and deserve, a fulfilling career that you enjoy and that aligns with your personal values.
From personal experience, I know that this programme works. In 2015, I was a stressed-out Partner in an accountancy firm. I was unhappy and unfulfilled. I started exploring personal coaching as a way to find out what I truly wanted and gain clarity on my personal values and ambitions. Fast forward 5 years and I’m a fully accredited coach and run a successful coaching business. Ultimately, I worked out that I wanted to work with women to support them through professional change and created the Elevate model to do just that.
Sound good?
So how do we do this?
The next programme kicks off in Autumn 2020 - dates to be confirmed
You can reserve your place directly by clicking on the buy course button below or book a free call with me to find out more.
A 6 week online group coaching course
60 minute live coaching call each week via Zoom – Wednesday at 8pm (GMT)
One final 45 minute 121 coaching call within 6 months of the end of the course – to consolidate learnings and help you deliver on your goals
Six workbooks which we will use on the group coaching calls and also for self-study. There will be a small amount of follow-up work each week
Workbooks will be emailed to you each Monday for the week ahead
Private facebook group with extra resources and prompts throughout the week – here you’ll be able to connect, ask questions and share reflections
One off cost of £495 or 2 payments of £260 (with the first payment due on booking the course).